International Economic Policy

International Economic Policy

International Military-Technical Cooperation Amid Armed Aggression and the Priorities of Advancing the Defence Industry in Ukraine



Abstract: The article deals with the problem of development of military-technical cooperation (MTC) between Ukraine and foreign countries in the conditions of war and postwar reconstruction in the context of intensification of the development of the national defence industry. The role of MTC in ensuring the national security of the state in the defence and economic spheres is determined. The author analyses the devastating consequences for the modern defence industry as a result of military operations and identifies a number of problematic issues that hinder the further development of the MTC and require immediate resolution. The author emphasises the need to address the problem of improving Ukraine's state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation in the direction of finding a balance between strengthening the defence and preservation/development of Ukraine's economic potential in the conditions of war and post-war recovery, taking into account the Euro-Atlantic vector of its development. It is determined that an unresolved part of this general problem is the need to identify ways to intensify current areas of cooperation, to ensure the effective operation of domestic participants and subjects of the MTC. The main ones are related to: ensuring the consolidation of efforts of the entire domestic industry in order to restore the production potential of public and private defence enterprises as soon as possible in order to meet the needs of the Ukrainian Defence Forces in weapons and ammunition and other technologies, as well as the creation of new and expansion of existing capacities in the shortest possible time to increase the production of artillery and other ammunition. In addition, important steps include: increasing the capacity of defence enterprises to repair domestic and foreign weapons for their rapid return to the battlefield; production of various technical means critical for the technical and technological support of modern warfare; and accelerating the pace of restoration and technological modernisation of the domestic defence industry's production capacities to ensure favourable conditions for its integration into the defence industry of NATO and the EU.
The main ways to intensify MTC in the interests of restoring and developing the potential of the national defence industry are proposed. The role of MTC in the integration of the national defence industry into the defence industry of NATO member states is highlighted, and the role of strengthening public-private partnership in the development of MTC is defined, as well as the first steps taken by the state on this path are analysed. The special role and benefits of the Defence Technology Agency in the development of MTC are identified. New innovative approaches to the implementation of MTC in the areas of using domestic minerals are emphasised, and the role of MTC in the development of the intellectual potential of defence industry employees is revealed.
Ключові слова:
Key words: military-technical cooperation, defence industry, defence industry, Defence Technology Agency, cooperation in the field of minerals, intellectual potential of defence and military-industrial complex employees
УДК: 339.9 (477)
UDC: 339.9 (477)
To cite paper
In APA style
Shemaiev, V., Tolok, P., & Onofriichuk, A. (2023). International Military-Technical Cooperation Amid Armed Aggression and the Priorities of Advancing the Defence Industry in Ukraine. International Economic Policy, 1 (38), 101-114.
In MON style
Шемаєв В.М., Толок П.О., Онофрійчук А.П. International Military-Technical Cooperation Amid Armed Aggression and the Priorities of Advancing the Defence Industry in Ukraine. Міжнародна економічна політика. 2023. № 1(38). С. 101-114. (дата звернення: 05.12.2024).
With transliteration
Shemaiev, V., Tolok, P., Onofriichuk, A. (2023) International Military-Technical Cooperation Amid Armed Aggression and the Priorities of Advancing the Defence Industry in Ukraine. International Economic Policy, no. 1(38). pp. 101-114. (accessed 05 Dec 2024).
# 1(38) / 2023 # 1(38) / 2023
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